The Romero Sessions: The Amusement Park Coming back from the dead, a lost George A Romero film. The Amusement Park made in 1973 has been...
The Romero Sessions: Survival Of The Dead George A Romero’s final film is a zombie film about families at war. He touches on themes that have...
The Romero Sessions: Land Of The Dead George A Romero is given a big budget and produces an action zombie movie with plenty to say about...
The Romero Sessions: Bruiser George A Romero’s last non-zombie film was sadly lost on DVD and due to piracy. It’s a shame as...
The Romero Sessions: Two Evil Eyes Romero teams up with Dario Argento again for a horror two-header influenced by Poe
The Romero Sessions: Monkey Shines George A Romero enters into the studio system with this horror film about a killer monkey. It’s a film...
The Romero Sessions: Day Of The Dead Romero created a horror film that reflected the 80s, this grim and gory movie took its time to find...
The Romero Sessions: Knightriders Straight after the success of Dawn Of The Dead George A Romero steps away from horror again with a...
The Romero Sessions: Dawn Of The Dead Romero’s big hit, the creator of the structure of the zombie movie and one of the best horror films...
The Romero Sessions: Martin A culmination of plenty of the themes brewing from his work up to this point in the 70s. One...