Friday The 13th Yes, that Friday The 13th. A quick spin around one of the films that sparked the slasher boom.
Pigs Pigs, also known as, The 13th Pig, Blood Pen, The Killer, Horror Farm, and Roadside Torture Chamber, is an...
The New Adventures Of Snow White This 1969 sex comedy from Germany mixes bits of surrealism and odd touches of humour with plenty of nudity...
The Nesting A haunted house film with moments of gore. This film was a stab at respectability for its director, which...
The Last Hunter From the people who gave you Cannibal Apocalypse comes this war film which, although suggesting it’s cribbing off The...
The Executioner Better known as Massacre Mafia Style this is the notrious grindhouse rip-off of The Godfather from singer/actor/writer/director/producer Duke Mitchell